
时间:2010-09-27 23:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
速成意大利语 (上册) 免费试听 详细介绍
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意大利语语法教程:意大利语定复合时态 高中生小语种留学资讯网 wayedu.cn

The compound tenses (i tempi composti) are verb tenses that consist of two words, such as the passato prossimo (present perfect). Both the verbs essere and avere act as helping verbs in compound tense formations. For example: io sono stato (I was) and ho avuto (I had). qnxx.cn

Present Perfect with Avere 本文来自NK小语种学习辅导网

In general, transitive verbs (verbs that carry over an action from the subject to the direct object) are conjugated with avere as in the following example:

内容来自五一小语种学习网 www.qnxx.cn 日语、韩语。法语在线学习

Il pilota ha pilotato l’aeroplano. (The pilot flew the plane.) www.wayedu.cn 小语种学习网

When the passato prossimo is constructed with avere, the past participle does not change according to gender or number:

内容来自五一小语种学习网 www.qnxx.cn 日语、韩语。法语在线学习

Io ho parlato con Giorgio ieri pomeriggio. (I spoke to George yesterday afternoon.) 内容来自五一小语种学习网 www.qnxx.cn 日语、韩语。法语在线学习

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