
  • 意大利语习惯用语讲座:疑问句

    日期:2011-01-18 21:52:52 点击:114 好评:0

    意大利语习惯用语讲座:疑问句 One easy way to ask questions in Italian is to add a question mark to the end of the sentence in writing. (When speaking, raise the pitch of your voice at the end of the sentence.) For example: Hai un buon lavo...

  • 意大利语习惯用语讲座:最高级形式

    日期:2011-01-18 21:50:38 点击:264 好评:0

    意大利语习惯用语讲座:最高级形式 There are other ways to express the absolute superior that dont require the -issimo form of the adjective. For example, the terms molto (a lot of), tanto (much), estremamente (extremely), or assai (very) ca...

  • 意大利语习惯用语讲座:否定命令式

    日期:2011-01-17 22:57:58 点击:284 好评:0

    意大利语习惯用语讲座:否定命令式 We grow up hearing negative commands: Dont bother your brother! Dont scream! Dont forget to do your homework! The negative tu command forms of all verbs are formed by the infinitive of the verb preceded by...

  • 意大利语习惯用语讲座:现在完成进行时

    日期:2011-01-17 22:54:25 点击:124 好评:0

    意大利语习惯用语讲座:现在完成进行时 In Italian, to express an action that began in the past and is still going on in the present, use the verb in the present tense + da + length of time. This construction does not exist in English, where...

  • 意大利语习惯用语讲座:动词的用法

    日期:2011-01-17 22:51:11 点击:392 好评:0

    意大利语习惯用语讲座:动词的用法 动词Verbi 意大利语动词时态比较复杂,共有7个式:直陈式,虚拟式,条件式,命令式,动词不定式,分词,副动词.每个式都有两个或两个以 上的时态,大多数时态都有 6个人称.所以动词的变化繁锁是学习意大利语语法的最大难点,不过不要...

  • 意大利语习惯用语讲座:时态,语态及动词变位

    日期:2011-01-16 11:58:03 点击:304 好评:0

    意大利语习惯用语讲座:时态,语态及动词变位 意大利共有4种语态,它们分别是直陈式、命令式、虚拟式和条件式。 直陈式中有8种时态,它们分别为:现在时,一般过去时,未过去时,愈过去时,愈远过去时,简单将来时,先将来时。 虚拟式涉及4种时态,它们分别...

  • 意大利语习惯用语讲座:意大利语否定句

    日期:2011-01-16 11:52:31 点击:111 好评:0

    意大利语习惯用语讲座:意大利语否定句 Only object pronouns may be placed between non and the verb: Lo conosciamo. (We know him.) Non lo conosciamo. (We dont know him.) Lo hanno fatto. (They did it.) Non lo hanno fatto. (They did not do it.)...

  • 意大利语习惯用语讲座:定冠词与所有格

    日期:2011-01-16 11:43:38 点击:209 好评:0

    意大利语习惯用语讲座:定冠词与所有格 The table below contains other examples: USE OF ITALIAN DEFINITE ARTICLES WITH POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Mio fratello carino. (My brother is cute.) I miei fratelli sono carini. (My brothers are cute) Questo...

  • 意大利语习惯用语讲座:复合时态

    日期:2011-01-16 11:42:38 点击:183 好评:0

    意大利语习惯用语讲座:复合时态 The compound tenses (i tempi composti) are verb tenses that consist of two words, such as the passato prossimo (present perfect). Both the verbs essere and avere act as helping verbs in compound tense formati...

  • 意大利语习惯用语讲座:冠词解析

    日期:2011-01-16 11:35:28 点击:338 好评:0

    意大利语习惯用语讲座:冠词解析 PROSPETTO 冠词一览表 a) Determinativi 定冠词 il (m.s.) 阳性单数 il mulino il delfino il libro lo (m.s.) 阳性单数 lanimo lo zaino lo scoiattolo la (f.s.) 阴性单数 lanima la mamma la scopa i (m.p.) 阳性复数 i m...