
时间:2010-10-08 17:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
速成意大利语 (上册) 免费试听 详细介绍
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  Cheoften appears in the interrogative phrase che cosa? (what/which thing?), though sometimes one of these two words may be dropped. The following three phrases are all equally correct:

高中生小语种留学资讯网 wayedu.cn

  Che cosa bevi?(What are you drinking?) qnxx.cn

  Che dici?(What are you saying?) 内容来自五一小语种学习网 www.qnxx.cn 日语、韩语。法语在线学习

  Cosa fanno i bambini?(What are the children doing?)


  Quale?is used to indicate people, animals, or things. It expresses "What is...?" when the answer involves a choice, or when one requests information such as a name, telephone number, or address. Quale? is invariable in gender. Quale di voi ha studiato a Parigi? Quale vuoi conservare di queste due fotografie?

高中生小语种留学资讯网 wayedu.cn

  Interrogative Prepositions

内容来自五一小语种学习网 www.qnxx.cn 日语、韩语。法语在线学习

  In Italian, a question never ends with a preposition. Prepositions such as a, di, con, and per always precede the interrogative chi (who).

高中生小语种留学资讯网 wayedu.cn

  A chi scrivi?(To whom are you writing?)


  Di chi sono queste chiavi?(Whose keys are these?) 内容来自五一小语种学习网 www.qnxx.cn 日语、韩语。法语在线学习

  Con chi escono stasera?(Who(m) are they going out with tonight?)
意大利语语法教程:将来完成时 www.wayedu.cn 小语种学习网

意大利语语法教程:无人称SI 和被动式SI 高中生小语种留学资讯网 wayedu.cn
