
时间:2010-09-27 23:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
速成意大利语 (上册) 免费试听 详细介绍
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意大利语语法教程:意大利语过去完成虚拟式 高中生小语种留学资讯网 wayedu.cn

Here are a few examples of the trapassato congiuntivo: www.wayedu.cn 小语种学习网

Speravo che avessero capito. (I was hoping they had understood.)


Avevo paura che non avessero risolto quel problema. (I was afraid they hadn’t resolved that problem.) 万语网--小语种学习基地 www.qnxx.cn

Vorrebbero che io raccontassi una storia. (They would like me to tell a story.)

www.wayedu.cn 小语种学习网

Non volevo che tu lo facessi così presto. (I didn’t want you to do it as soon.)


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高中生小语种留学资讯网 wayedu.cn

To complete the fourth of subjunctive-tense verb forms, there’s the congiuntivo trapassato (referred to as the past perfect subjunctive in English), which is a compound tense. Form this tense with the congiuntivo imperfetto of the auxiliary verb avere or essere and the past participle of the acting verb (see the table below).
