
时间:2010-09-23 18:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
速成意大利语 (上册) 免费试听 详细介绍
速成意大利语 (下册) 免费试听 详细介绍
速成意大利语常用语 免费试听 详细介绍
意大利语(初级+中级+常用语) 详细介绍
一对一口语实时教学 查看演示 详细介绍
  Qual è la tua musica preferita?
  La mia musica preferita è la musica rock.
  Perché è molto bella e affascinante.
  Ti piace leggere?
  Sì, abbastanza. I miei libri preferiti sono libri ‘horror’.
  Perché sono molto belli.
  Qual è il tuo programma preferito in TV?
  In TV solitamente mi piace guardare i film.
  Perché sono interessanti ed hanno una storia, mentre programmi non mi piacciono molto. ..
  Free Time
  What's your name?
  I'm called Francesca.
  What kind of things do you do in your free time?
  In my free time, I love to be with my friends. Usually, we walk around and we go and do some shopping.
  When I don’t have to study and I have a bit of free time. 内容来自五一小语种学习网 www.qnxx.cn 日语、韩语。法语在线学习
  What is your favourite pastime?
  My favourite pastime is to do sport: to swim and go to the gym.
  What kind of things did you do last Saturday?
  Last Saturday, I hung around with my friends. We went to a pub and a pizzeria near my place. After that, we went dancing in a disco.
  What kind of things will you do next Saturday?
  Next Saturday, I shall probably go to Florence with my friends.
  What is your favourite type of music?
  My favourite music is rock music.
  Because it’s really good and fascinating.