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Tomorrow you will prepare pasta puttanesca. Saturday you will buy that Italian leather jacket you’ve been thinking about. Next year you will learn the future tense. Che sarà, sarà—what will be, will be! The future tense in Italian expresses an action that will take place in the future. Although in English the future is expressed with the helping verb "will" or the phrase "to be going to," in Italian a verb ending marks it as being set in the future tense. For example: 高中生小语种留学资讯网 wayedu.cn

  Alla fine di settembre partiròper Roma. (At the end of September I will leave for Rome.) 万语网--小语种学习基地 www.qnxx.cn

  First-Conjugation Verbs

www.wayedu.cn 小语种学习网

  The future tense (futuro semplice) of first-conjugation regular (-are) verbsis formed first by changing the infinitive ending -are into -er to obtain the root for the future tense. The following future endings are then added to the root: -ò, -ai, -à, -emo, -ete, -anno. (The following table includes a sample conjugation of the verb cantare.) www.wayedu.cn 小语种学习网

  FUTURE TENSE CONJUGATION OF CANTARE 内容来自五一小语种学习网 www.qnxx.cn 日语、韩语。法语在线学习


高中生小语种留学资讯网 wayedu.cn

  I (io) canterò (noi) canteremo 本文来自NK小语种学习辅导网

  II tu canterai (voi) canterete


  III (lui, lei, Lei) canterà (loro, Loro) canteranno 内容来自五一小语种学习网 www.qnxx.cn 日语、韩语。法语在线学习

  Second- and Third-Conjugation Verbs

万语网--小语种学习基地 www.qnxx.cn

  The future tense of regular second- and third-conjugation (-ereand -ire) verbs is formed by simply dropping the final -e of the infinitive to obtain the stem and adding to the stem the following future endings: -ò, -ai, -à, -emo, -ete, -anno (the same endings, in fact, as those added to the first-conjugation group). For a sample conjugation, see the table below, which conjugates the verbs credere and partire.
